Digital Video Marketing Guide

What is the best video for your business?

“I need a video” looks like a simple request, but there are many things that go into creating and producing a video. Even if it's a simple GIF file: a 15-second promotional video and, obviously, a 5-minute video about the brand, before you start, you will need to plan, come up with a style, write something. Even after shooting or selecting the footage you have, you will have formatting, planning, pricing, scoring, music, deep breathing, editing and revisions before you have the final video ready for viewing or is it a lot. We will give you tips and guidance on what types, formats, placements on channels and how to make one video and edit it for 18 applications. Get ready to click Play for the best video for your business.

Why do you need to create a video for your brand?

• 45% of people watch more than an hour of videos on Facebook or YouTube per week
• 62% of people said they were more interested in the product after seeing it in the history of Facebook.
• 72% of customers would prefer to learn about a product or service through video.
• 85% of US online audiences watch videos online
• 81% of businesses prefer to use Facebook for their video marketing.
• 92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others
• Marketers who use video earn 49% faster revenue than users without video

What type (s) of video should you produce?

Do you need a goal for your video, will it train, advertise your sale, engage in or tease? What are you trying to communicate with your customers should be your first question? Use this list of questions to determine which video will be the best. Always set goals and a reason for what you do, and the video will grow from there.

There are many types of videos, as well as styles, we have narrowed down some options based on marketing goals that are best suited to promote a business:
• Branding video - a video representing your audience your mission or what you are as a company. This should be fun, easy to understand, and encourage viewers to want to know more.
• Promo video is a video advertising a discount, a promotion or a sale, and it may even be a video advertising an event or a promotion.
• Video teaser - a video that will give you a little taste of something new. It should be very attractive, dramatic and short.
• Video recall - A video that uses your best rewards and emphasizes them to strengthen your brand and company. It can also be an interview with the owners, employees and / or customers who additionally support your brand.
• QA Video - A video to spice up your frequently asked questions and answer these questions about how to make or better understand your brand, company or product.
Once you decide what type of video, create a digital marketing plan for the promotion that will help you determine the formats and duration.

How do I write a video script?

Now you need to start creating content for your video. What to say? First, outline what content you need to attach, just as when writing the first article, you should have a beginning, middle, and end. Create a basic idea with 3 supporting ideas and complete your CTA resume and call to action with the action you want your customers to take.
From there, you can take this cute little story and start collecting it, like a story, frame by frame, in compressed pieces.
Try reading with a stopwatch to see how long you have been reading it at normal speed. Then cut from there, if you come to an end in time, just start to give out extra fluffy thoughts, ideas that have already been expressed differently, perhaps that explain too much or simply are not needed. “If in doubt, throw it away,” I usually say when I do this, this is my motto. You do not want your viewers to think too hard to understand what you are trying to say.

Manual: one video edited for 18 purposes

All videos should be planned where you will run them. In some places you want to post your video: your site, email, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and / or Twitter. Think in advance before starting the video creation process, and you can determine the correct dimensions that you need to make, as well as the length of the video when shooting and editing. Sprout Social always has an incredibly updated guide that can be found here.
The following guide is what we do in IMI to help optimize your video strategy in the most efficient way for your budget and time. Once you know the size and location, you will be better prepared to shoot in the correct formats and to collect the necessary materials and materials. Will you need to shoot horizontally for a YouTube video or web banner? Do you need a vertical for Instagram story? Or maybe a square for posts on Facebook and Instagram?
You may want to place the type of video in all places. If so, you just want to make sure that you shoot for each format, vertical for Instagram and mobile and horizontal for wider videos for home banners of web pages and YouTube videos. Our guide helps you save money with one video and 18 different ways to promote it. Read More..


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