If you follow Google closely, you know that 2011 marks the beginning of the end of the Black Hat inbound link strategies with the update of Google's Panda algorithm.

With a mission to "organize global information and make it universally accessible and useful," Google is constantly changing the way it measures quality and relevance. For years, people have been trying to get around Google with stuffed keywords, link farming and a number of tactics to break the rules. Recently, it seemed to peak - if you can not beat them, join them.

Digital marketing Agency Dubai UAE
Quality Before Quantity

Quality before quantity dominates the landscape of today's research. The more reliable your information is, the more likely you are to get superior ranking and relevance. These factors affect both your organic rank and your paid search quality score.

In the organic space, Google views not only the content of your page as a measure of your relevance to a particular keyword, but also the amount of "high quality" links pointing to your page. This shows that you not only have quality information, but also that the big players in your space consider you a source of information.

You can leverage these inbound links even further by making sure that the anchor text of the link is a term or phrase that you are targeting. This can help your paid search strategy by raising your Quality Score - a higher Quality Score means a lower CPC.

An inbound link with anchor text is a hyperlink to your targeted landing page from another website. The "anchor text" is the term / keyword with which you want to gain ground. In this example, let's call it "Adaptive Authentication."

Example: Moving beyond standard two-factor functionality, Digital marketing Agency Dubai UAE also provides adaptive authentication features to help you increase your security profile to meet current demands.

Digital marketing Agency Dubai UAE

Google views the anchor text phrase and linked landing page as a relevant source of information around this term. The more traction you get through these one-way links, the more weight / relevance your page has.

Search Engine OptimizationServices is a great example of a business that has leveraged high quality inbound links. They got inbound links from companies such as Apple, BetaNews, LastPass, and so on. Over time, they became authorities in space and appear on page 1, both organically and in paid search for targeted terms.

Lessons learned?

Do not fight Google. The more you can adopt their best practices to operate your site and content, the better you will be. High quality inbound links take time and require some relationship building, but the effort is worth it, if done right. Good liaison!


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