Artificial IntelligenceSolutions Since the emergence of modern medicine, the disease detection process has undergone many changes. However, it is still a slow and slow job. Sometimes it takes weeks, even months, to diagnose a case. But all this is changing AI. It is changing the way doctors treat their patients. And the results seem very promising. These can be an invaluable tool for doctors around the world. At a very affordable price at AI & IOT Solutions Agnecy Dubai UAE SOME EXAMPLES In 2018, Dr. Marco Topalovic (Ph.D.), from the Catholic University of Leuven, told the interviews that, using A.I. With a good set of data, they have been able to detect lung diseases more accurately and efficiently than any of their residents. Although, through this example, it seems that A.I. It's here to replace the doctors. They are not. They are here to speed up the diagnostic process. And to provide a second reliable opinion to doctors. According to research by S...